Scientific Papers and Articles on the microPREP® Family and Laser-Based Sample Preparation
Over the past few years, several scientific papers and articles have been published that explore laser-based specimen preparation techniques and showcase the capabilities of 3D-Micromac’s sample preparation tools from the microPREP family. This list includes our own publications as well as papers from scientists who have used the microPREP machines to accomplish their analytical objectives. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.
State-of-the-Art and Future Directions of fs-Laser Assisted Specimen Preparation Techniques for Atom Probe Tomography Measurements
Focus: Comprehensive overview of different approaches for the utilization of fs-laser ablation followed by final specimen preparation via focused ion beam (FIB) techniques to create ready-to-run specimens
Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_1, July 2024
fs-laser preparation of half grid specimens for atom probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy
Focus: Alternative way to fabricate half grids directly from the material to be investigated using femtosecond (fs)-laser ablation
Published in: Materials Today Communications, Volume 39, June 2024, 108672
How laser technology speeds up sample preparation processes
Focus: Reporting technological advancements in laser-based sample preparation.
Published in: Microscopy & Analysis 2024/02
Pairing Laser Ablation and Xe Plasma FIB-SEM: An Approach for Precise End-Pointing in Large-Scale Physical Failure Analysis in the Semiconductor Industry
Focus: Sharing a new workflow for failure analysis of microelectronic devices
Published in: Proceedings of ISTFA 2021
Laser-based sample preparation for high-resolution X-ray-computed tomography of glasses and glass ceramics
Focus: Three novel workflows for sample preparation using ultra-short pulsed lasers are presented, which allow for reproducible fabrication, safe extraction, and mounting of samples
Published in: Journal of Microscopy, Volume289, Issue1, January 2023
Speeding up large-scale failure analysis of semiconductor devices by laser ablation
Focus: Semiconductor workflows for preparing a large solder ball cross-sectioning and polishing, a deep MEMS cross-sectioning and polishing, as well as removing the MEMS silicon cap and accessing underlying structures
Published in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA 2020)
Efficient preparation of microtip arrays for atom probe tomography using fs-laser processing
Focus: APT coupons with microtip arrays processed via fs-laser ablation
Published in: Ultramicroscopy, Volume 246
Preparing TEM Specimens and Atom Probe Tips by Laser Machining
Focus: Laser-based preparation TEM lamellas (H-Bar) and multiple APT tips or pillars
Published in: Microscopy Today, Volume 27, Issue 6
Laser ablation sample preparation for atom probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy
Focus: Study of damage caused during laser-based sample preparation in pure aluminum and phosphorous doped silicon wafers
Published in: Ultramicroscopy, Volume 220
Selective laser assisted impairment of reverse osmosis membranes
Focus: Developing a straightforward approach to produce arrays of micro-holes in a commercially available RO membrane employing nanosecond pulsed laser ablation
Published in: MethodsX, Volume 7, 2020, 100830
Tunable pore size in diopside glass-ceramics with silver nanoparticles
Focus: Two glass compositions with a combination of antimony and silver as well as antimony, tin, and silver were studied and very different pore sizes, homogeneously distributed over the sample volume, were obtained
Published in: CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, Issue 12
SAM³: New Failure Analysis Methods for Heterogeneous Systems
Focus: Selected results of new techniques including GHz Scanning Acoustic Microscopy, various laser techniques, as well as sample preparation using focused ion beam techniques and Raman-based stress characterization
Published in: MikroSystemTechnik 2019; Congress
Understanding the effect of Li and flow velocity on corrosion deposition at 230 °C hydrogenated water
Focus: CRUD build-up increased following a power law with the fluid velocity
Published in: Corrosion Science, Volume 168, 15 May 2020, 108588
An Evaluation of Beam-Damage Zone in Si Wafer Machined by Gatan MicroPREPTM Laser-Ablation
Focus: First evaluation of the Laser damage zone in Si-wafer, machined by microPREP
Published in: Microsc. Microanal. 24 (Suppl 1), 2018
Rapid and localized ion-beam etching of surfaces using initial notches
Focus: Novel method for rapid and localized surface erosion which combines laser-machining preprocessing with broad ion beam etching. Preliminary studies of the method on bulk samples are reported
Published in: Micron, Volume 107, April 2018, Pages 35-42
Novel sample preparation and High-Resolution X-ray tomography for Package FA
Focus: The paper focuses on a feasibility study for different measurement parameters and proposes an advanced FA flow including newly-developed sample I preparation based on ps-laser excitation
Published in: 2017 IEEE 24th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA)
microPREP™ - A New Laser Tool for High-Throughput Sample Preparation
Focus: microPREP™ – capable of making fast, clean, and efficient laser ablation available for the preparation of samples for transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Published in: ISTFA 2014: Conference Proceedings from the 40th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis
New Approach of Laser Processing of Transparent Materials
Focus: Novel laser micromachining method for transparent materials using ultra-short pulsed lasers
Published in: Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2015
A Novel Laser Tool for High-Volume Sample Preparation
Focus: microPREP as the first instrument to make fast, clean, and efficient laser ablation available for the preparation of samples for microstructure diagnostics
Published in: LASERTECHNIKJOURNAL, Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2015
Influence of the Laser and Scanner Regimes for Preparing Cross-sections with Ultra-short-pulse Laser
Focus: Different types of materials and their behavior during laser polishing with ultrashort pulsed lasers are experimentally investigated using different scanning techniques
Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_1, 1 August 2023
microPREP: a new laser tool for high-volume sample preparation
Focus: microPREP as the first instrument to make fast, clean, and efficient laser ablation available for the preparation of samples for microstructure diagnostics
Published in: Proceedings Volume 9736, Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing X; 97360C (2016)
Deposition of corrosion products under pressurised water nuclear reactor conditions: The effect of flow velocity and dissolved hydrogen
Focus: The effect of water flow velocity and dissolved hydrogen on the deposition rate of Corrosion-Related Unidentified Deposit (CRUD)
Published in: Corrosion Science, Volume 159, October 2019, 108113